Living Water Christian School | Jacksonville, NC | K-12


The most important thing to share is why we offer this outstanding education. We exist because we believe an excellent education is incomplete without the presence of God. His hand is as evident in a Kindergarten classroom where little ones experience the wonder of making phonetic sounds form into words and then sentences, as it is when a high school Biology student sees the intricate inner workings of the eye. We’re enthused every day because we experience God transforming the whole student as they explore and grow.

At LWCS, you’ll discover teachers and administrators who see all education in a Biblical, Christian framework. We’re here to provide Christ-centered learning that demands the best of our students in every aspect. We expect high standards and we hope to partner with you to equip and inspire young men and women with integrity, character and a Biblical Worldview.

If you profess faith in Jesus Christ, are a regular attendee and member of a Christian church and want an uncompromising Christian education for your student, we encourage you to apply.

You can check our frequently asked questions while you’re on the website and again, feel free to call us at 910.938.7017.